

Jun 20, 2024

In all we are One and in One we are whole. Space… the beginning.

There is no black or white, no religion or non religion. We are all brothers and sisters of the same race – the human.

Seek Peace and not War, good and not evil. The worlds political, money, religions, employment and education systems are broken and only we can fix them together.

Something new is needed and now! People in power should not be voted in but interviewed and have experience, knowledge and determination to serve the people of this world and not themselves or own interests e.g. an education secretary should be a retired head teacher.

Money should not drive decisions it has only driven this world to destruction. Sharing is the future and all of us need to learn it. The world has resources but they are not ours to give. If your brother needs water do you give him stones?

Food poverty should not exist, there is enough food on this planet for all but it is not shared equally.

Our mission is simple: grow in love and light and share that with others, raising your vibration with those around you and this planet becoming a part of the One and merging with the cosmic consciousness.

By admin

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